Lecture 7: So do I have to start paying Taxes now


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Assignment 7

Build your skills by doing these exercises on your own

  1. Figure out whether food bought from markets or supermarkets is taxed where you live. Do you remember why food is often not taxed?

  2. For the next week, keep a note of how much of the money you spend goes toward taxes. How much is gasoline taxed where you live? How about liquor and cigarettes? Why are taxes on liquor and cigarettes often higher? Are you surprised at how much you pay in taxes?

  3. Do your own review of some of the tax preparation software you can buy to help you prepare your income tax returns. If you can afford it, get the software – or maybe download a trial version – and take a cruise through it to get an overview of how the process works.