Lecture 9: So you want to be an Entrepreneur


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Assignment 9

Build your skills by doing these exercises on your own

  1. Have you ever thought about starting a business? Write down some of the ideas you have. Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? If so, who among your friends and family might be worth talking to about your ideas?

  2. Do a web search on some of the coolest entrepreneurs of the last 200 years – some of my favorites are Levi Strauss, Nikola Tesla, Enzo Ferrari, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk. What do these folks have in common?

  3. Assume you have a business you want to start. Figure out how you would structure that business. If you are in the United States, do a little research on “Limited Liability Corporations” or LLCs.